Factoring is a Great Financial Solution to Service Companies

Instead of hiring more employees and buying equipment, many companies hire out services needed to keep their businesses running efficiently. Cleaning, landscaping, maintenance, security, property management, IT support. These important services are filled by hard working individuals trying to gain their part of market share. A great supply of opportunities await them.

Factoring is the financial solution that will keep slow paying customers from hindering the growth and success of your company. In addition, staff and suppliers have to be paid. What about advertising costs?

Factoring for commercial cleaning, landscaping, maintenance, and other business services

A basic hindrance to gaining market share or scoring lucrative accounts are slow paying customers. Many times in order to get a high paying account, you have to agree to wait a significant amount of time to be paid. The solution? A factoring program designed to provide the working capital needed to support and grow your business. 

Factoring will help parking lot cleaning companies gain more lucrative accounts

Quick access to the working capital trapped in unpaid invoices goes a long way in making your business successful. Plus, upfront credit checks of prospective clients and a non-recourse factoring program helps to insure that you will be paid.

Instead of chasing down slow paying customers, you can concentrate on chasing down more solid accounts. The working capital will be there to support your endeavors.

Let Assured Capital Funding, LLC help you set up such a solid factoring program today! It is quick and simple. Flexible terms, no start-up or hidden fees, and no minimums required. Just a steady flow of cash and peace of mind!

For help with equipment financing, go here.

Factoring for commercial cleaning, landscapers, maintenance companies, IT support, security companies, property managers, and other business support companies is available and will help you to succeed!